Orgelbau Klimke


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Current projects

August 2013 D -- 37170 Uslar, ev. Johannischurch II / 26 Euler 1845renovation, installation of a new voice "unda maris 8'" for the secondmanual > PICTURE 


33442 HERZEBROCK , kath. Kirche St. Christina II / 30, Beseitigung von Schimmelablagerungen, Imprägnierung


Düsseldorf ev. Trinity Church I/4 choir organ, cleaning, mould removal, voicing


Düsseldorf ev. Melanchthon Church I/4 chest organ, cleaning, treatment of casing surface, voicing


Herzfeld, St. Ida II/11 Walker & Son's, London 1886, finishing work


Kamen Heeren, ev. Castle Church II/20, new stop signs, installation and voicing of Bordun 8' for pedal mechanism, Unda Maris 8' for the second manual


Schermbeck, ev. St. George's church II/19, part renovation of mechanical key action, new action section


Großalmerode, Catholic church I/8, cleaning, voicing, new motor box


Kirchhellen, St. Johannes d.T. III/45, cleaning of main section, installation cornopean 8', fugara 8', voicing


Düsseldorf Rath, Hl.Kreuz II/ 18, cleaning, part renovation of key action, new action section, new bellow holder